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Lose Weight and Build Muscle at the Same Time

By Underground Labs Supplements.

In the following article we will discuss the losing weight while gaining muscle mass problem. Your question: "Is it possible for me to work out and lose those unhealthy looking fat bags on my belly or on my hips and at the same time to build instead the muscles I've always dreamed of?" Our answer: "YES! You can do that if you follow some important steps every bodybuilder has in his bodybuilding bible."

Want to play the game? Want to become the best ever to play this game? Do you want to be admired everywhere you go for playing it? First you have to know the rules. Every player needs to know the rules of the game he wants to play; after that it's only work, strategy and will. Here are the main rules for building those healthy muscles:

First rule: eat healthy and don't compromise your nutrition plan. After a serious medical exam you can follow one of the so called bodybuilding diets. These diets are high in protein and rich in unsaturated fat. Everyone knows that protein is the brick of your muscles. So if you want to build muscles strong as a wall you have to get a lot of bricks. Where to get them? Get them from a healthy diet and also rich in protein. The anabolic diet or Dr Atkins' recipes will do wonders. You can find nutrition plans for these diets in books or all over the internet or if you are a good nutritionist you can make your own nutrition plans. In order to do that you need to know the food's energetic value and the quantity of carbohydrates, fats and proteins they contain. If you are a meat lover then you are in advantage because most of these diets encourage lean meat eating. Eggs are also a good source of proteins so it would be great if you could fit them in your meals. I almost forgot about whey. This protein wonder spring is very healthy and it makes a wonderful basis for your dream body. This is an easy way to lose fats fast and to gain the control of your shapes. Don't let those nasty looking fats get in your way! Stand up now and fight for the body of your dreams. The principle of high protein diets is quite simple: in a normal nutrition plan your body gets the same quantities of carbohydrates, proteins and fats especially saturated fats (your worst enemy). In a high protein diet you will be tuning the amount of each, focusing more on proteins and high quality fats. Your body tends to consume carbohydrates first and turn them into fat deposit. You already have enough fat deposits to start a diet. While following the diet, the amount of carbohydrates is reduced to minimum so the body will start synthesizing them from the remaining fat deposits and from proteins. Eating high quality fats will keep the fat burning furnace on and will prevent creating fat deposits. It is a logical chain reaction process. This way you will lose weight and have a healthy body.

Second rule: A good training program. If you want to work at the gym you have to be careful with those weights. I am not talking about being careful not to drop one on your foot, that too, but what I want to say is that you have to be careful how you exercise and when. Most of the bodybuilders work hard and see no results. The answer to this dilemma is very simple. They work out every day and their body is exhausted. Muscles need time to grow but they also need time to recover. For example take a construction worker. He is dealing everyday with al sorts of heavy chores. Why isn't he building muscles like a bodybuilder? Because he doesn't follow a high protein nutrition plan and because doing that heavy work everyday doesn't gives him enough time to recover. So he is only building strength but not shape and mass. And you my friend need all of them: strength, mass and shape. So you need to be careful and see if you give your body enough time to recover. For that you need to analyze your body and see when you are getting the best results. You don't have to work out till you drop dead. The amount of training has to be a little lower than your exhaustion point. DO NOT WORK OUT till you collapse with the weights.

If you are not great with gym schedule, weights and weight machines hire yourself a personal trainer. Every serious gym has qualified people to take care of the client's needs. He will help you train better and your exercises and training won't be boring as if you were working alone. You will have a friend to talk with and your time at the gym will be more fun. When you workout at the gym, try not to work only a group of muscles at a time. Try every day to give your body a total workout focusing of course on the parts you want to shape better. After you have been working out for a while don't use scales to see how your training went, use the mirror instead. I am advising this because muscular mass weights more than fat. So you might be disappointed to see that you weight more than you did when you started training; so it is better to look in the mirror because in the mirror you will see the changes and also what to start changing further.

High intensity exercise or low intensity exercises? Well both are great for your body but they focus on different fields. High intensity exercises are the enemy of glycogen which is a sort of carbohydrate stored in your liver and your muscles. Its purpose is to give energy to your body. If you make intense training you get exhausted more than you get to burn fat. So it would be better if you want to burn fat to follow a low intensity exercise program than a high one. This way you will feel every little muscle of your body and you will be burning fats fast. Also a good way to exercise is to combine high and low intensity exercises. As always the middle way is the best. If you follow these two rules you will have no problem burning fats and building muscles at the same time. It would be very responsible from you to go and take that medical exam before starting a diet.

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