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Benefits of Bodybuilding for Females

Bodybuilding is no longer just a man’s sport. Ever since Lisa Lyon was the first female bodybuilder, more and more women today have discovered the world of bodybuilding making female bodybuilding big business today. Bodybuilding can make you stronger, more flexible and healthier. Plus you get the added bonus of looking and feeling great. So why shouldn’t women get in on it?

Women bodybuilders do not bulk

The idea of bulking up may make some women hesitate when they think about starting a bodybuilding program but the truth is that women aren’t able to gain the muscle mass that men can. This is because men naturally have much higher levels of testosterone, which makes it easier for them to grow muscle. Women develop differently and so do not need to worry about looking beefy.

Advantages of female bodybuilding

Strengthening of body and mind

There are many advantages to female bodybuilding. Not only will a bodybuilding program make a woman look and feel good but when you strengthen your muscle you are also strengthening your mind.

In today’s world when the typical view of the “perfect woman” is pencil-thin it can be a very empowering thing to know that you can have a great, healthy body and help fight the common image perception.

Improves toning

Developing a bodybuilding program will help tone and strengthen a woman’s body. As well as toning your body and giving you well-defined muscles, it will make you look healthier and feel better about yourself.

Bodybuilding for women is very much similar to the process for men. Women can use the same exercises such as squats, dead lifts, and bench presses and a good cardio workout is also needed in any quality bodybuilding program. Basically the difference will be targeted muscle groups.

While most men focus on chest and calf muscles most women concentrate more on areas they view as problems such as thighs, buttocks and upper arms.

Balanced diet

A chief concern for men and women bodybuilders alike is good nutrition. Maintaining a balanced diet high in protein and carbohydrates is vital for toning the body and building muscle. But women must take care to provide their bodies with much needed additional iron requirements by adding a good daily multi-vitamin to their diets.

Body sculpting for beauty and health

Sculpting a beautiful body is not just for men and when it comes to bodybuilding, female bodybuilding is getting much more popular as women make every effort to be more beautiful and improve their health. You’ll not only look better but you’ll feel better and be better when you take on the challenge of a bodybuilding program.

Female bodybuilding isn’t about bulking up and building ‘man muscles’, it’s about getting healthy and looking great. A bodybuilding program with all its hard work will be well worth the effort when a woman looks in the mirror!

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